Cosplayer of the Week Bailey Vea Cosplay Part One

Bailey Vea is a cosplayer of a little under two years. She is from Central Florida and
currently a full time student, undercover neckbeard, and dog mom! She loves cosplaying
various comic book characters, some of her favorites being Poison Ivy, Black Widow, and
Scarlet Witch, just to name a few. She also enjoys playing a lot of video games as well, her
favorite being World of Warcraft. Bailey enjoys traveling to and guesting at various Florida
conventions, and hopes to start traveling around the world cosplaying and attending
conventions on an international level! 


1. How long have you been Cosplaying?

     A: I started cosplaying in early 2015, but I have been making costumes all throughout my life.

2. How/When did you first get into Cosplay?

     A: I was taken to Tampa Bay Comic Con in 2014, which is where I was first introduced to the cosplay culture. I immediately fell in love with the art and artistic freedom! Everyone was so nice and supportive, it really encouraged me to start cosplaying.

3. What does Cosplay mean to you?

     A: To me, cosplay means to channel through yourself, whatever character you want, and to have fun doing it. Always make sure you’re having fun because it is called COSPLAY after all. It’s an art form, and wonderful, individualized, and expressive, art form.

     4. What do you think Cosplay could mean for someone who has had a hard life?

     A: I can personally relate to this. Not everything has been easy for me throughout my life and I can truthfully say that cosplay has helped me get through a lot of it. Cosplay has become one of my main therapeutic outlets. You can just get lost in making a costume, or recreating a character’s look with makeup, props, etc, it’s really immersive. When I have a lot on my mind, I always turn to making something. It really can help take your mind off of things for the time being, and for people who do face struggles in their daily lives, cosplay can be a great resource to free your mind and life your spirits. J

5. What is your favorite Cosplay you have done?

     A: As of right now, I think my favorite cosplay I have done so far has been my Autumn Poison Ivy. I literally made that costume in one day and the design was entirely my own. I had so much fun making it and having the freedom to recreate Pamela however I wanted!

6. What would you like to do with Cosplay in the future?

     A: I would LOVE to be able to travel around the world and introduce others to cosplay and explain my cosplay methods, as well as learn from people from all walks of life. I feel that you can never stop learning, especially when it comes to something as dynamic as cosplaying, so to travel and live and breathe what I love to do… Oh, that’s a dream.

7. What are your thoughts on Cosplay Isn’t Consent?

     A: Cosplay Isn’t Consent is a WONDERFUL movement happening in the cosplay community. I personally have been a victim of harassment while in cosplay before, and it’s one of the worst feelings. I feel that when a cosplay is harassed, it takes away from their expressive freedom, which is NEVER okay. We dress up to have fun, to feel good about ourselves, and to enjoy in the art form with others. The last thing we want is to be obnoxiously catcalled, harassed, and/or threatened. I am so happy every time I see at a convention and Cosplay Isn’t Consent campaign, because I know that it is a safe space for cosplayers and usually, the security there is more than willing to help all attendees feel welcome and at home. #CosplayIsDefinitelyNotConsent

8. What can cosplayer’s do to make a difference in their community?

     A: DRESS UP! Go to your local comic stores to promote events, go to children’s hospitals and brighten their day! Obviously not everyone cosplays so when people see someone in costume, more often than not, it lightens their day! There are so many ways to get involved with your communities through cosplay, start looking! J

9. What do you want to see in the future of cosplay?

     A: I want to see the cosplay culture keep growing! I love the attention it’s getting so far and the more the better in my opinion. Everyone is so different and I get so excited when I see a favorite character of mine that someone has recreated and added their own spin on. It’s so cool!

10. What goes into a planning a costume/how much time could it take?

     A: Honestly, I don’t plan a lot of my costumes, lol. They’re all pretty much done on impulse. As far as making them, it can take me months or as fast as one day! It just depends on what I am wearing the costume to and how much motivation I have to finish it. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that, lol.

11. What is the most difficult thing about being a cosplayer?

     A: Remembering that it’s supposed to be FUN! I know, at least for me, I get so wrapped up in a costume, and wanting ever little detail to be absolutely perfect and spot on, that I usually end up stressing myself out. I always have to remember to take a step back, breathe, and just have fun making/wearing the costumes. If it wasn’t fun I wouldn’t put as much into cosplaying as I do and I definitely wouldn’t still be doing it. You just get wrapped up in the small stuff sometimes so always remember, it’s COSPLAY!

 12. If you had an unlimited budget what would you cosplay?

      A: Uh… everything EVER?! Hahaha! Honestly, I would cosplay as many World of Warcraft characters as possible. I have played WoW for over 10 years now and it’s such a big part of my life… I would just cosplay everyone from that, lol.

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13. Do you only Cosplay at conventions? If not where else do you Cosplay?

     A: I mainly cosplay at conventions, but sometimes I like to do location shoots, as well as casual cosplay for days when I’m just going out with friends!

14. How Far do you go to get into “character”?

     A: I get pretty invested… lol. I have an extensive background in theatre so it’s always fun to literally BECOME the character. Everyone else seems to enjoy it too! 


Come back Friday for part two of the Interview. And if you would like to be considered for Cosplay Imagings Cosplayer of the Week email with a Introduction and a sample of your cosplay.