Cosplayer of the Week Yellowbrick Road Cosplay Part Two

This is part two of the interview with Diana Prince Cosplay.  To view part one click here.

1.       How has Cosplay affected your day to day life?

a.       It's given me more confidence in who I am as a person. 

2.       How do you decide what you are going to cosplay?

a.        It's usually because I feel a connection or see myself in the character that I decide I want to cosplay them.

3.       With do you think of “Cosplay Celebrities”?

a.   They're bringing more recognition to cosplay and I think that's fantastic!


4.       Thoughts on Homemade Cosplay Vs. Commissioned?

a.       You do you. If you can make a costume...awesome. If you have to Just don't say you created the costume you bought. It's frustrating.

5.       Do you have a Cosplay “Bucket List”?

a.      Ohh most definitely. Loki is at the top of the list currently followed very closely by the Mad Hatter.

6.       Who are your favorite Cosplayers?

a.       I can't pick just one, but they each had an affect on me wanting to get better and perfect my skills.


7.       When it comes to photographs at conventions, when do you think its appropriate and not appropriate for people to ask for photos?

a.      Please please please don't take photos on the sly of me sitting down, or eating. I'm very open to people asking and I can pose for them otherwise the pictures won't do the character justice.

8.       If you make your own costumes, where is your favorite place to source materials?

a.       Hobby Lobby, JoAnn. My mother brings me scraps of fabric from the place she works, and my dad brings me scrap metal from where he works.

9.       What are your thoughts on screen accuracy versus artistic interpretation?

a.        I love artistic interpretations! Screen accuracy looks stunning, but I love seeing how people twist and interpret their favorite characters to make them their own.

10.   How much does makeup figure into your overall look?

a.     Depends on the character. Frank N. Furter, Jareth, Beetlejuice usually require quite a bit, but others like Mal, Hawkeye, and Sherlock require little or none.

11.   Best cosplay trick/tip?

a.       Thrift stores are your friend!! You would be surprised at what you can find that could fit a particular costume. Barf, for example, is made entirely of items I found in thrift stores.

12.   What would you say are the must-have tools when it comes to making costuming?

a.       My must haves are my E-6000 super glue, and my travel sewing kit for emergency repairs.


13.   Advice to people just starting out in cosplay?

a.       Take your time and ignore the nay-sayers. It took me forever to figure the second part out. Have confidence in your character.

14.   Where can people find you online?

a.       Instagram:



If you would like to be considered for Cosplay Imagings Cosplayer of the Week email with a Introduction and a sample of your cosplay.