Your First Comic Con — How to Prepare for and Enjoy the Experience

As noted in my previous articles, comic cons are a wonderful experience and a way to meet other like-minded individuals. The experience can be dimmed, however, if you go in without knowing exactly what you have signed up for. Here are several things you must know to have the best time at a comic con.

Number One: Know the Area. Once you have found a comic con that you can afford traveling to, spend some time online researching what is in the vicinity of the convention center. Learn where several food options are, as well as any other essentials, such as a gas station or a Starbucks (if you are a big coffee fan like me!).

One of the best things for a new cosplayer to do is join a cosplay Facebook group for the area. The support and knowledge from seasoned cosplayers are invaluable resources. If you have questions about that particular convention center, chances are that they will have the answers you need.


Number Two: Pack Smart. If you plan on attending a multi-day con, chances are you will have three or more costumes, and each costume can fill a large tote bag on its own. Space can be an issue, especially when you find some sweet con loot at the convention center. Remember to pack all the essentials, and bring fast drying glue in case of emergency costume repair for foam-based suits.

  • Snacks (granola bars, chips, peanut butter or cheese crackers, etc.)
  • Water bottles
  • Lightweight clothes to change into (in case of overheating)
  • Costume repair kits (glue, tape, etc.)
  • Money (cash is best, but some vendors accept credit cards)

Number Three: Know Your Limits. Comic cons, while enjoyable, can be draining experiences for some people. Remember to pace yourself, and if you are feeling drained or sick, leave as soon as possible to get some rest. If you keep your pass badge or bracelet on, you can always return after a short nap back at the hotel.

Number Four: Stay Hydrated! Heat exhaustion and dehydration are extremely common at conventions due to the heavy suits worn by most attendees. As with Number Three, it is important to listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, and if need be, remove several pieces of your costume and cool off.

Number Five: Have Fun. You are here for a reason: to meet new people and to share your love of all things nerdy. Do not be discouraged if someone does not take a picture of you, or if your costume does not win the costume contest. If you are enjoying yourself, that is all that matters.

Your first comic con may be different than you expected, but if you are prepared, you can come out of it with a newfound respect for your fellow nerds and all the hard work put into the costumes you see before you. 

Katherine Vesper

Ever since I was little, I've loved to write stories. I drew pictures of various characters and imagined complex little worlds for them to inhabit. As I grew older, I began to wonder what it would be like to write longer stories, maybe even publish a novel.

So my journey into author-hood began. I started taking literature and writing classes through college, testing my skills as a writer. I eventually gained the courage to start submitting stories to contests. Just this year, I won first place with a short story called "Cyborg." This win gave me the courage to fully pursue my lifelong goal of publishing a novel. I recently put "Reins of Hope" through a wonderful editor, who helped me iron out any kinks that my young writer self might have made. Current goal for this novel is to have it published by Christmas!