5 Things You Need to Survive the Convention Floor

By Kendra Tallman

Conventions are a great time… if you’re prepared. If you’re not, they can be an absolute nightmare. Having the right things with you makes a huge difference in your convention experience, but you don’t always know what to bring. It’s tempting to over-prepare, but remember, this is stuff you’ll have to drag around the floor all day long. It’s best to keep it just to the essentials, so bring a backpack, shove these five things in it, and set out with confidence.

#1- Food and Water

Okay, this one might seem obvious, but it’s not. Many people rumble up to the convention supposing they’ll grab a snack at the food trucks, concession stands, or restaurants that the venue has to offer. Let me just clue you in—that’s a bad idea. When you’re parched and starving, the last thing you need is to stand in line for an overpriced bottle of water and a greasy slice of pizza. Sit-down restaurants within walking distance of the convention that have actual, nutritious food are bound to be packed solid. While it’s fine to indulge in some tasty convention food, keep some healthy snacks like jerky or dried fruit stashed away in your pack, along with a water bottle you can refill at drinking fountains.

#2- Portable Phone Charger

When you’re running around all day getting pictures with awesome cosplayers, looking up panel times, searching for nearby restaurants, etc., you can bet your phone isn’t going to last all day. Not to mention, you’ll inevitably want to do some scrolling through Facebook or Reddit while you’re waiting in that massive line to meet your favorite actor. In addition, you might find someone else who needs a quick charge. There’s no quicker way to make a new friend than to make sure their phone has some charge while waiting in a two-hour hour line.

#3- Cash

While more and more vendors are accepting cards (or even PayPal), cash is an age-old standby that you must not be without. The last thing you want is to find the perfect POP Figurine or your favorite impossible-to-find flavor of Pocky and be stuck without a way to buy it. But whether you’re carrying cash or card, be sure to keep it safe. Never keep your money in an open pocket—always keep it in a zipped pouch, inside another bag if possible. The only thing worse than not being able to buy something you really want is not being able to buy anything at all.

#4- Hand Sanitizer

Heard of the dreaded Con Crud? With thousands of people crammed into a convention hall over the course of several days, some unfortunate viruses get spread around. And since a huge part of any convention is meeting new people and making new friends, you’re bound to be shaking a lot of hands. Not to mention, you’ll be grabbing the same door handles and holding the same hand rails every other person there. The best offense against getting sick is a good defense, so rub your hands with some sanitizer every so often.

#5- A Buddy

Comic and fandom conventions just aren’t as good alone. Having a buddy with you adds to the excitement and fun, but there are also practical reasons. In a crowd of strangers, it’s always good to have someone you know watching your back—and this goes double for cosplayers. While some cosplay designs conveniently feature a backpack or purse, many don’t. If you want to have all of your important things with you without covering up all of your hard work, you can ask your buddy to carry your bag or backpack for you. Be sure to ask nicely and be considerate of when your buddy needs a break! They are doing you a favor after all. 

And when you need a break from all the hubbub and stress on the convention floor? Stop by the Cosplay Imaging booth to take a little break. Our expert photographers will help you feel at ease and snap a picture that you can treasure forever.