Cosplayer of the Week JCaito Cosplay part 1

JCaito Cosplay is a Cosplayer based out of Omaha Nebraska. He is best known for his remarkable 10th Doctor Cosplays. His most recent Cosplay was Killgrave from the Netflix series Daredevil and he was recently the Cosplay Guest of Honor at Britishfest 2016. We are excited to have him being Cosplay Imaging's inaugural Cosplayer of the Week   and hope to see more great Cosplays coming from him.  

1.       How long have you been Cosplaying?

a.       About 3 years now. It’s been a wild ride!

2.       How/When did you first get into Cosplay?

a.       I had been to a few conventions and seen the other cosplayers and had been thinking about it for a while. A very good friend of mine talked me into it and it was an exhilarating experience!

3.       What does Cosplay mean to you?

a.       I think it’s a chance to share your love of a common fandom, culture, or game with friends and the community around you. I’ve made so many friends and memories through cosplay and had so many opportunities to travel, go on adventures, and to make lasting memories it’s unreal! When you spot someone from across the room dressed up as or favorite character or visa versa, you immediately know you have something in common. It’s a great feeling!

4.       What do you think Cosplay could mean for someone who has had a hard life?

a.       It’s a chance to escape into a different life, if even for a little bit. It’s a chance to be the superhero, the villainous mastermind, or even the object of affection. It can be therapeutic.

5.       What is your favorite Cosplay you have done?

a.       Oh the Tenth Doctor definitely. There’s something about the way people light up when they see it that just makes my day. Now to get a working TARDIS…

6.       What would you like to do with Cosplay in the future?

a.       I’d like to continue to improve my skillset and maybe teach others. It’s fun giving tips and tricks and letting people run with it and see what they come up with! I’d love to travel more too. We’ll see what the future holds ^_^

7.       What are your thoughts on Cosplay Isn’t Consent?

a.       What is there to say on it other than the fact it has to be said is incredibly saddening. Always obey the golden rule people!

8.       What can cosplayer’s do to make a difference in their community?

a.       What they already do! Here in Omaha I’ve seen cosplayers volunteer at Autism walks, helping out by handing out comic books to encourage kids to read, visit kids in the hospital, and just generally be awesome people! We don’t always just pretend to be superheroes; a lot of cosplayers do great deeds in real life too!

9.       What do you want to see in the future of cosplay?

a.       Oh heavens… that’s hard to say! Maybe some new material technology? That’s a tough one!

10.   What goes into a planning a costume/how much time could it take?

a.       For me, I’m a notorious perfectionist. Usually a _lot_ of research is involved. I try to be as accurate as I can (while sometimes putting my own spin on things). I’ve had builds take as few as a few weeks and some take as long as 4-5 months!

11.   What is the most difficult thing about being a cosplayer?

a.       Cosplay. Is. Expensive. lol

  1. If you had an unlimited budget what would you cosplay?
    1. I would make a fully functioning Iron Man suit. Maybe a functioning Gundam… ;)

13.   Do you only Cosplay at conventions? If not where else do you Cosplay?

a.       I go to Renaissance Fairs, charity events, Halloween, etc…  Basically whenever I get a chance!

14.   How Far do you go to get into “character”?

a.       _very

Come back Friday for part two of the Interview. And if you would like to be considered for Cosplay Imagings Cosplayer of the Week email with a Introduction and a sample of your cosplay.

Fort Part two of the interview follow this link